Our Nationwide Qui Tam Practice
The law firm of Berg & Androphy has a nationwide practice representing qui tam and whistleblower clients in lawsuits throughout the country. On behalf of our qui tam and whistleblower clients, we have filed fraud cases in such major cities as Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Lansing, Washington, D.C. , Santa Fe, Brooklyn, Denver, Beaumont, Tampa, Tulsa, and in other locations. The firm maintains its principal offices in Houston, Texas with offices in Washington, D.C. , Denver, Colorado and Miami, Florida .
In addition to working with the federal government in these cities and Washington, D.C., our qui tam attorneys have filed lawsuits on behalf of the Attorney General from each of the following states: California, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia, the District of Columbia, and the city of Chicago.
A qui tam whistleblower, also known as a relator, plays a pivotal role in initiating qui tam lawsuit cases to expose whatever false claim was committed against the government. These individuals often possess insider information to report fraud, gained from their roles across different industries and positions such as healthcare, where cases of medical malpractice might involve fraudulent billing practices. Whistleblowers are typically current or former employees who have attempted to report or correct these issues. Their backgrounds can vary widely, encompassing financial services, procurement/defense contracting, scientific research, and government positions.
The map below represents our national presence in current and past qui tam and whistleblower cases. We will fly anywhere, anytime, to meet our clients.
Why Choose the Qui Tam Lawyers at Berg & Androphy?
We are qui tam lawyers with trial experience, equipped to handle qui tam cases and report fraud.
Trial lawyers with the financial ability and expertise to handle federal False Claims Act cases without the federal or state governments. The government declines intervention in a majority of the qui tam cases filed, even cases that are meritorious.
Qui tam attorneys that take a leading role during the investigatory phase of the case. After a qui tam case is filed, the government should send out subpoenas to the defendant requesting documents and financial information.
We know the law. We have authored three treatises covering the False Claims Act (FCA) , trial practice , and white collar litigation. We have also authored dozens of articles on qui tam lawsuits, Medicaid and Medicare fraud, whistleblower law, and the FCA.
Trial lawyers with the financial ability and expertise to assist the federal and state governments while the case is under seal.
We specialize in many practice areas including antitrust law, bankruptcy litigation, commercial litigation, criminal defense, and financial fraud whistleblowers.
This website is designed to provide general information only. This information is not and should not be construed to be legal advice. The transmission of the information found on this website also does not result in the formation of a lawyer-client relationship.
You should be aware that qui tam claims are subject to a Statute of Limitations. The area of limitations periods is complex. There are also first to file rules, public disclosure bars, original source issues, and varying limitations in pursuing retaliation claims. If you wish to pursue your claims, you should promptly seek the opinion of an attorney regarding the merits of your qui tam claim and the applicable statute of limitations.